It's the Grace for Me

"You are great....You are mighty....There's no one like you...There's no one like you"

For the last 2 days I've been singing "You are Great," by the one and only Ms. Yolanda DeBerry. When I tell y'all that song ministered to me!! Monday morning, I broke down listening to this song. The song is so simple, but I had to really make that thing personal to me. 

None Compare to your Splendor
And your Power
Powerful and Mighty
My Strong Tower
Ruler of the Nations
And my Defender, You are Great

I know this is a little unorthodox. Typically, I rely on a story but this song...yall...Please go listen to it.

As a young minister, I am learning a lot. This wasn't something that I was just born into (sorta). I mean to a certain extent. Yes, I was born with what God put into me, but I don't come from an extensive lineage of pastors. I have them in my family absolutely but I was much older when I started learning about the journey to being a minister. 

I mentioned this one week on the Midweek Push--I struggle with confidence. As crazy as it is, it took a lot for me to get on this platform. It took and still took a lot for me to take the leaps of faith I've taken throughout this journey. I don't just struggle with confidence when it comes to ministry. In general, I'm pretty meek when it comes to confidence but ministry? That's a whole different ballgame for me. You won't get me to do much of anything. I'll help where needed, but if you ask me to pray, teach, sing, MC, I shy away from it not because I am not capable but because I am in a place where I don't want to bear the most vulnerable place for me. 

My faith is where I release my vulnerability. So when I hear songs like "You Are Great," "My Worship is For Real,"and "You Covered Me" it takes me to a place where I can remember what God did for me. It wasn't until today (Tuesday when I'm writing this) that I realized how much people expose themselves in their gifts. Kelontate Gavin wrote "You Are Great." It takes a boldness to say the words of that song. For Yoli to sing the song the way she does, those words meant something to her. 

I've been saying since I started praise dancing in every prayer "let us minister to ourselves before we minister to anybody else." I guess it wasn't until recently that I understood just how deep that needed to go. So when Yoli says the verse of the song, the words got deep down in my spirit. The words became real. 

John 1:14 New Living Translation (NLT)

14 So the Word became human[a] and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.[b] And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.

I can think back to time after to time where my life was spared, and it makes it very easy to say no one compares to God. Just this past Sunday out executive pastor said something that really hit home for me. He said grace is what we didn't deserve, but mercy stopped what we did deserve. 

Revelation 12:11 New Living Translation (NLT)

11 And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb
    and by their testimony.
And they did not love their lives so much
    that they were afraid to die.

Truth is, it was God that made the bullet scrape my car instead of hitting me. Truth is, it was God that stopped my car from  hitting the tree that would have killed me. Truth is, it was nobody but God that got me through depression. HIS grace was sufficient. 

His grace is what kept me when I should've lost my mind. I've told my testimony before but when I was 23 years old, I was diagnosed with PCOS. This was after going through a false pregnancy and I had a house full of stuff that was gifted to me. I've lost a child before and I know how that felt, but it was nothing compared to what it felt like to think  that I had carried a child full term and he/she wasn't there at all. I spiraled out of control, but God's grace and mercy was keeping me.

It's the grace for me. Knowing I was not deserving but He still saw fit? That's enough for me to give it everything I got. Every time I do something for Him, I have to let my story ring in my heart. It will drive out all fear. 

2 Timothy 1:7-8 New Living Translation (NLT)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.

How can I be afraid of something like that? That's why Jesus went around doing miracles so people could tell the stories of how He was so gracious. If it had not been for His grace, where would you be? Keep that in mind not just when you're ministering in an official capacity, but just in your every day living. You life should be a ministry because He's been that good. 

I truly believe it was God's grace that pushed Paul to be one of the greatest apostles in the Bible. He didn't know Jesus personally, but he knew who he was before he came into contact with Jesus. Nothing compares. Not even a little bit. 
