Check His Resume
So y'all God has been dealing with me all night about this. It all started at Bible study. First Lady was teaching, and she used 2 Timothy 2:15
She was coming from a place that if we study His word, then we'll know what word to use in what situation. It was in that moment, God said "So what's the problem?"
See. God told me I was leaving very soon, and it seems like in the last couple weeks or so every thing that could go wrong has, and it's definitely impacted my finances. The funny thing is, I know God's word. I'm constantly reading it. I'm constantly listening to it. It's almost as if I have gotten too common with who God is and what He says, like I shrug it off like it's nothing.
Sometimes as people, we get to a point where we don't trust anybody. Sometimes not trusting anybody means not trusting God as well. But God never did anything for us to trust Him. He's been faithful. He's been on your side. Check His resume.
This is the same God that allowed Moses to fall, but brought him back even stronger. This the same God that allowed the 3 Hebrew boys to go into the fiery furnace, but they weren't burned and didn't even show the evidence of being in the fire. This is the same God that allowed Job to lose everything and then gave him back double. He is the same God that allowed Hannah to be teased for something man thought she was not capable of and then vindicated her.
He's not new to this, He's true this. God has shown Himself to be faithful to perform, but we get so caught up in what's going on. We think that because things aren't going the way that we want them to, that God has decided not to do what He said.
This kind of made me laugh because I was crying out in prayer before Bible study. This was me

It hit me twice in prayer. While I was praying, God revealed to me that these last 3 years, I had been going through the shaking and beating and in this season I'm in right now, I'm going through the pressing. Later on during Bible study, God said to me "I literally gave you what you wanted. Just be patient for Me to finish." About 3 months ago, I asked God to give me an exit strategy from my job, and I also asked God to give me provision for this move. God gave it to me all in one. Do I have a job yet for the location I'm moving to? No, but God is not done working.
What I'm saying is: STOP TRIPPIN! God is faithful to perform, but stay in your word to show yourself approved by God.
2 Timothy 2:15 New Living Translation (NLT)
An Approved Worker
15 Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.
She was coming from a place that if we study His word, then we'll know what word to use in what situation. It was in that moment, God said "So what's the problem?"
See. God told me I was leaving very soon, and it seems like in the last couple weeks or so every thing that could go wrong has, and it's definitely impacted my finances. The funny thing is, I know God's word. I'm constantly reading it. I'm constantly listening to it. It's almost as if I have gotten too common with who God is and what He says, like I shrug it off like it's nothing.
Sometimes as people, we get to a point where we don't trust anybody. Sometimes not trusting anybody means not trusting God as well. But God never did anything for us to trust Him. He's been faithful. He's been on your side. Check His resume.
This is the same God that allowed Moses to fall, but brought him back even stronger. This the same God that allowed the 3 Hebrew boys to go into the fiery furnace, but they weren't burned and didn't even show the evidence of being in the fire. This is the same God that allowed Job to lose everything and then gave him back double. He is the same God that allowed Hannah to be teased for something man thought she was not capable of and then vindicated her.
He's not new to this, He's true this. God has shown Himself to be faithful to perform, but we get so caught up in what's going on. We think that because things aren't going the way that we want them to, that God has decided not to do what He said.
1 Corinthians 1:9 New Living Translation (NLT)
9 God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

It hit me twice in prayer. While I was praying, God revealed to me that these last 3 years, I had been going through the shaking and beating and in this season I'm in right now, I'm going through the pressing. Later on during Bible study, God said to me "I literally gave you what you wanted. Just be patient for Me to finish." About 3 months ago, I asked God to give me an exit strategy from my job, and I also asked God to give me provision for this move. God gave it to me all in one. Do I have a job yet for the location I'm moving to? No, but God is not done working.
What I'm saying is: STOP TRIPPIN! God is faithful to perform, but stay in your word to show yourself approved by God.
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