Submitting to the Promise
I know. I know. Y'all are probably looking at this title and are like
"I know she aint still on this promise stuff." I've been on this promise kick all year, and I literally cannot help it. It's not even me. It's God.
The other day I posted this video on IG (if you don't already follow me, you should @youngsavedandfree). In the video, Tye Tribbett is preaching and it says "Some of us say I'm too young. Some of us say I'm too old. Others say I'm too carnal. Others say I don't read the Bible enough. Others say I'm not churchy. Whatever your excuse is, you don't think God calculated that?" It went on to say some other things, but I was out for the count at that part alone.
Then I was on Youtube (Young, Saved, and Free youtube coming soon, btw), and I have this new obsession with Terrell Grice's channel. I loooooooooove a good singer. It just gives me so much life. So anyway, I got on Saturday morning and low and behold Koryn Hawthorne's video was uploaded. And she said this
The longer I sat there God started to deal with me. I started to realize how we (yes, I'm included), talk ourselves out of so much. This isn't just something that just came about. It's been going on, even in the Bible days.
Moses said no without a second thought. He was like

If it would've been me I would've been like "Now see. That's what I get for being so easily distracted. I was supposed to be getting this sheep, and I done got stuck looking at this bush. I aint even supposed to be over hereš¤." To be honest, I think if there isn't some hesitation, it may not be God. When God calls you to do something, it's never a little thing, and it's never convenient. When God approached Moses, Moses had left his position as royalty after he killed a man, ran to another place and became a shepherd. God called him back to the exact place he ran from to fulfill his assignment.
Let's unpack that for a moment. I want to go back to Moses' beginning
Before God told Moses his assignment to rescue the Israelites, Moses was already protecting them. Crazy thing is, when Moses was challenged the very next day, he left. It's so easy to go with the flow when the waters aren't troubled. The minute it gets a little shaky, people want to back up. So now, God is calling Moses to go back to the place that challenged him. I know for a fact he didn't want to go back. Egypt was a place of trouble for more than one reason. On top of that, God was sending him to confront the very man that wanted to kill him. I don't blame him for saying no. However, I think Moses underestimated God just a little bit. He gave God multiple excuses, but God always had something to say back.
Excuse 1--I'm not good enough
By the time, Moses got to the 5th excuse, he had already given up. He just had to submit. We can give God a million excuses, but He always has the final say. We act like God doesn't know who we are. His word says
that’s what I had in mind for you.”
So that means, he knows everything about you. For me, I have/had every excuse in the book on why I'm not good enough for this platform.
"God, I'm too hood for this. I like to fight"--So fight for me
"God, the way my mouth set up...."--You'll say the things other leaders are afraid to say
"God, my story is not like everybody else's. I aint been in a pentecostal church my whole life."--You'll reach the people that are new to Christ
"God, I don't know what to say."--I'll give you the words
It doesn't matter what your excuse is. God will always say something back. He's just waiting for you to submit. The minute you submit, you'll see the manifestation of God.
"I know she aint still on this promise stuff." I've been on this promise kick all year, and I literally cannot help it. It's not even me. It's God.
Then I was on Youtube (Young, Saved, and Free youtube coming soon, btw), and I have this new obsession with Terrell Grice's channel. I loooooooooove a good singer. It just gives me so much life. So anyway, I got on Saturday morning and low and behold Koryn Hawthorne's video was uploaded. And she said this
The longer I sat there God started to deal with me. I started to realize how we (yes, I'm included), talk ourselves out of so much. This isn't just something that just came about. It's been going on, even in the Bible days.
Exodus 3 The Message (MSG)
3 1-2 Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. He led the flock to the west end of the wilderness and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. The angel of God appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. He looked. The bush was blazing away but it didn’t burn up.
3 Moses said, “What’s going on here? I can’t believe this! Amazing! Why doesn’t the bush burn up?”
4 God saw that he had stopped to look. God called to him from out of the bush, “Moses! Moses!”
He said, “Yes? I’m right here!”
5 God said, “Don’t come any closer. Remove your sandals from your feet. You’re standing on holy ground.”
6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father: The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.”
Moses hid his face, afraid to look at God.
7-8 God said, “I’ve taken a good, long look at the affliction of my people in Egypt. I’ve heard their cries for deliverance from their slave masters; I know all about their pain. And now I have come down to help them, pry them loose from the grip of Egypt, get them out of that country and bring them to a good land with wide-open spaces, a land lush with milk and honey, the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
9-10 “The Israelite cry for help has come to me, and I’ve seen for myself how cruelly they’re being treated by the Egyptians. It’s time for you to go back: I’m sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the People of Israel, out of Egypt.”
11 Moses answered God, “But why me? What makes you think that I could ever go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
12 “I’ll be with you,” God said. “And this will be the proof that I am the one who sent you: When you have brought my people out of Egypt, you will worship God right here at this very mountain.”
Moses said no without a second thought. He was like

If it would've been me I would've been like "Now see. That's what I get for being so easily distracted. I was supposed to be getting this sheep, and I done got stuck looking at this bush. I aint even supposed to be over hereš¤." To be honest, I think if there isn't some hesitation, it may not be God. When God calls you to do something, it's never a little thing, and it's never convenient. When God approached Moses, Moses had left his position as royalty after he killed a man, ran to another place and became a shepherd. God called him back to the exact place he ran from to fulfill his assignment.
Let's unpack that for a moment. I want to go back to Moses' beginning
Exodus 2:11-15 The Message (MSG)
11-12 Time passed. Moses grew up. One day he went and saw his brothers, saw all that hard labor. Then he saw an Egyptian hit a Hebrew—one of his relatives! He looked this way and then that; when he realized there was no one in sight, he killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand.
13 The next day he went out there again. Two Hebrew men were fighting. He spoke to the man who started it: “Why are you hitting your neighbor?”
14 The man shot back: “Who do you think you are, telling us what to do? Are you going to kill me the way you killed that Egyptian?”
Then Moses panicked: “Word’s gotten out—people know about this.”
15 Pharaoh heard about it and tried to kill Moses, but Moses got away to the land of Midian. He sat down by a well
Before God told Moses his assignment to rescue the Israelites, Moses was already protecting them. Crazy thing is, when Moses was challenged the very next day, he left. It's so easy to go with the flow when the waters aren't troubled. The minute it gets a little shaky, people want to back up. So now, God is calling Moses to go back to the place that challenged him. I know for a fact he didn't want to go back. Egypt was a place of trouble for more than one reason. On top of that, God was sending him to confront the very man that wanted to kill him. I don't blame him for saying no. However, I think Moses underestimated God just a little bit. He gave God multiple excuses, but God always had something to say back.
Excuse 1--I'm not good enough
Exodus 3:11-12 The Message (MSG)
11 Moses answered God, “But why me? What makes you think that I could ever go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
12 “I’ll be with you,” God said. “And this will be the proof that I am the one who sent you: When you have brought my people out of Egypt, you will worship God right here at this very mountain.”
Excuse 2--I don't have all the answers
Exodus 3:13-15 The Message (MSG)
13 Then Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the People of Israel and I tell them, ‘The God of your fathers sent me to you’; and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ What do I tell them?”
14 God said to Moses, “I-AM-WHO-I-AM. Tell the People of Israel, ‘I-AM sent me to you.’”
15 God continued with Moses: “This is what you’re to say to the Israelites: ‘God, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob sent me to you.’ This has always been my name, and this is how I always will be known.
Excuse 3--They won't listen
Exodus 4:1-9 The Message (MSG)
4 Moses objected, “They won’t trust me. They won’t listen to a word I say. They’re going to say, ‘God? Appear to him? Hardly!’”
2 So God said, “What’s that in your hand?”
“A staff.”
3 “Throw it on the ground.” He threw it. It became a snake; Moses jumped back—fast!
4-5 God said to Moses, “Reach out and grab it by the tail.” He reached out and grabbed it—and he was holding his staff again. “That’s so they will trust that Godappeared to you, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
6 God then said, “Put your hand inside your shirt.” He slipped his hand under his shirt, then took it out. His hand had turned leprous, like snow.
7 He said, “Put your hand back under your shirt.” He did it, then took it back out—as healthy as before.
8-9 “So if they don’t trust you and aren’t convinced by the first sign, the second sign should do it. But if it doesn’t, if even after these two signs they don’t trust you and listen to your message, take some water out of the Nile and pour it out on the dry land; the Nile water that you pour out will turn to blood when it hits the ground.”
Excuse 4--I'm not a good speaker
Exodus 4:10-12 The Message (MSG)
10 Moses raised another objection to God: “Master, please, I don’t talk well. I’ve never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer.”
11-12 God said, “And who do you think made the human mouth? And who makes some mute, some deaf, some sighted, some blind? Isn’t it I, God? So, get going. I’ll be right there with you—with your mouth! I’ll be right there to teach you what to say.”
Excuse 5--I'm not qualified
Exodus 4:13-17 The Message (MSG)
13 He said, “Oh, Master, please! Send somebody else!”
14-17 God got angry with Moses: “Don’t you have a brother, Aaron the Levite? He’s good with words, I know he is. He speaks very well. In fact, at this very moment he’s on his way to meet you. When he sees you he’s going to be glad. You’ll speak to him and tell him what to say. I’ll be right there with you as you speak and with him as he speaks, teaching you step by step. He will speak to the people for you. He’ll act as your mouth, but you’ll decide what comes out of it. Now take this staff in your hand; you’ll use it to do the signs.”
By the time, Moses got to the 5th excuse, he had already given up. He just had to submit. We can give God a million excuses, but He always has the final say. We act like God doesn't know who we are. His word says
Jeremiah 1:5 The Message (MSG)
5 “Before I shaped you in the womb,
I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day,
I had holy plans for you:
A prophet to the nations—
I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day,
I had holy plans for you:
A prophet to the nations—
So that means, he knows everything about you. For me, I have/had every excuse in the book on why I'm not good enough for this platform.
"God, I'm too hood for this. I like to fight"--So fight for me
"God, the way my mouth set up...."--You'll say the things other leaders are afraid to say
"God, my story is not like everybody else's. I aint been in a pentecostal church my whole life."--You'll reach the people that are new to Christ
"God, I don't know what to say."--I'll give you the words
It doesn't matter what your excuse is. God will always say something back. He's just waiting for you to submit. The minute you submit, you'll see the manifestation of God.
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