365 Questions--October 23

What is a favorite memory with a family member?
I would have to say my absolute favorite moments hands down would have to be our family reunion in 2010. Now for those of you who don't know, my family is a huge part of my life. I love them to the ends of the Earth. When we get together it's ALWAYS a good time. There's never a dull moment, especially when me and my first cousins get together. I swear to you we need a realty show. I can guarantee you if people were ever around, three things are most definitely going to happen: you're going to be lit, you're going to laugh, and there's going to be drama. Every single time.

I have to say this particular incident was my most favorite because I was finally grown. Growing up with all of my female cousins being at least 10 years older than me, I can only do so much with them, but we're all so close. So like where we were kids, it was a lot easier to have a good time with them. I followed them around like I was their age. It was a little more difficult when they're old enough to go to the club and to drink and I can't. But in 2010, I was finally 18 and we were able to party together. That brought a whole new side 😂😂😂I think we slept maybe 4 hours that whole weekend. We literally partied from the time we got there until we left.
