365 Questions--September 16

Write a note to someone who has been your strength in times of weakness
This hits a little close to home right now. This particular person, my sister cousin Toya, is going through right now. Her son had to have emergency surgery on Monday and is now having another operation 4 days later. If you're reading this, just pray for her

Dear Toya,
It’s crazy to think back on our sisterhood. We’re 10 years apart, but you’re literally one of my best friends. So many times you’ve held my hand through some of the roughest days of my life. You’ve encouraged me, you sat with me while I cried. You know me and you know my heart, and that’s not something I can say about everybody. I’m so thankful for you for so many reasons. First of all, you covered me spiritually. You were my youth pastor for the years that you were at New Faith/Kingdom Faith, and you poured so much into me in and out of the church. Secondly, you made time to pray for me in spite of everything you had going on with yourself and Michael. Regardless of whatever you had going on, you would call me because you knew something was going on that I wasn’t telling you. Sometimes you even got in your car and came to where I was because you knew something wasn’t right. Every time you would remind me of who I was and how far I’ve come. You’ll never know how thankful I am for you. I pray that God will give you at least twice the strength that you’ve been to me.
