365 Questions--September 15
Do you rejoice only in times of plenty? Can you rejoice in times of famine?
The easy answer to that is yes. Yes, I can rejoice in times of famine because I know that I won’t always be in that place. I know that my latter shall be greater. I know that trouble don’t last always. I know that God has promises He has made before me. I know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. I knowthose things. However, there are days where it’s hard to lift my hands. Some days I can’t rejoice and simply want to cry out to God. I’d be lying if I said all days were good days.
No relationship is perfect. God’s love for me is unconditional, but I’m not God. I’m not perfect. I know who He is, but some days my feelings toward him are not the same. It’s like a relationship with a significant order or spouse. Some days that person gets on your last nerve. It doesn’t change the fact that I love Him. Some days I feel like He loves others more than He loves me. Some days I feel overlooked and neglected. I know He loves me, but all days are not sunshine.
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