365 Questions--October 22

What is the last movie you saw?
Ghosts of Georgia.....and boy do I regret it. First of all, I'm not a scary movie type of girl. So the fact that even sat down to watch the movie was mistake number 1. Mistake number 2 was watching it at night. That movie scared me so bad that I was scared to move off the couch. On top of all that, when the movie went off, me and my cousin were in the bedroom, but I was hearing doors slamming and stuff moving in the kitchen. So me being me, I start panicking. In my mind, the ghosts were coming to get me. I mean it seemed like the logical answer. All the lights were off, but yet there was something moving around. My grandma seems to move very quickly, especially considering she's on a walker. So my cousin says "Grandma is that you!" She says it like 3 times, and nobody responded, and because the whole house was pitch black, we couldn't see anything. So my cousin, with her overly brave soul, gets up and goes to the kitchen with nothing in her hands. She turns on the lights, and my grandma is in the kitchen eating cookies she's not supposed to be eating.
