365 Questions--October 16

What are your three top priorities?
1. Finding a career--Listen. This is a real thing for me. I don't have insurance right now. I'm tired of working jobs just to pay to my bills. I want my career. Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the jobs that I have, especially my part time job. I love that job, and I probably will continue to work that job no matter what. It's just not enough to make a living off of right now.
2. Graduating---The day that I'm writing this I have 51 days until graduation and I am ready, but I'm feeling a little bit of senioritis. I just don't feel like doing nothing anymore. But i have to get across the stage.
3. Focusing on YSF--I really want to spend more time on YSF. Once I graduate, I'll have more time to focus on YSF and getting the content out on time.
