365 Questions--October 12

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
It's funny that this was the question for today. Within the last few days, I've been wrestling with the idea of writing a book. Writing a book has never really crossed my mind before. When I was kid, I would write just to write. It was therapeutic for me, but I never desired to have a published book. But it's really been on my heart to write a book on being a whole woman. I'm specifically writing this book--wait. Y'all I said "I am specifically writing..." that's present tense like I'm actually doing it.  This just got real for me. Sorry. Now on to the question at hand--Yes, I'm writing this book for broken women. As women, we internalize a lot of what happens to us. So we go into these relationships and continue to have interactions with people, not just people that we are in a relationship with, and those interactions and relationships are based on our previous experiences. The book would be about how to overcome that.
