Let's Talk Saturdays---Accountability for the Win

Alright so it's a little late. Y'all forgive me. I'm grieving and I got a million and one other things going on right now. 

So a lot has been going on with social media and reality TV. One thing right after another. I'll have all the links to the stories listed below. 

First up to bat is Ms. Evelyn Lozada. Don't know who she is? She's an OG on Basketball Wives, and I'm not talking about the girl OG on the show. Evelyn has been on the show since the beginning. Here she goes.

So on a recent episode of Basketball Wives, Evelyn got in a heated argument with CiCi over absolutely nothing. Well it was something, but it was something that Evelyn started at the beginning of the season. In the midst of the argument, CiCi calls Evelyn "Evilyn." Everybody has called somebody named Evelyn, Evilyn or Evilene. It's nothing new, but Evelyn jumps from that and calls CiCi Lee Lee, making a reference to an Asian nail shop employee. 

Of course, when I heard her say that I was very disappointed in the fact that she even jumped to a racial statement like that, and I mean I get it, CiCi upset her first. You can't make somebody mad and then tell them how mad they can or can't be. It doesn't work like that. However, CiCi wouldn't have never called Evelyn Evilyn had Evelyn not made the first "happy endings" statement, which is why I said I was disappointed at first. I wasn't surprised that Evelyn went to a racial joke again. 

Now that the episode has aired, fans of the show want Evelyn off the show, and to be honest, I don't blame them. She made a racial joke with no remorse not once but twice. I wholeheartedly feel like she apologized for making the second statement (she never apologized for the first) because there was so much backlash on social media. I don't think she actually meant it. Even after the joke was explained to CiCi, Evelyn had absolutely no remorse.

It doesn't surprise me though. That's what ignorant and insecure people do. Evelyn is so insecure it's not even funny. She's not like Shaunie or CiCi that she has her own businesses or her own something that she is known for. Evelyn is known for sleeping with professional athletes. She never was a wife. She never was known for a successful business. She was known for sleeping around, and that's fine. Some people are okay with that, but Evelyn isn't. She's threatened by CiCi's education and the fact that CiCi has her own money with or without her husband. Little piece of advice--you can tell how people are threatened by you by what they say about you in an argument. Evelyn constantly harps on CiCi's degrees even when CiCi doesn't say anything about it. You're insecure--own it, Evelyn.

Next up is Caresha from City Girls. I've never even heard of City Girls before now. I just heard about this situation. 

Apparently, a slew of tweets that Caresha made resurfaced, and to be frank, they were disgusting. She clearly shows discrimination against Haitians and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Again, I mentioned this the other day I'll get into the LGBTQ+ stuff on a later date. She went from calling Haitians black and ugly to calling them cheesy along with several other things. I'm not sure why or how these tweets resurfaced, but they did. Even when she apologized, it was a real apology. It was a "I'm just going to say sorry because I got caught but I don't really mean it."

As we all know, the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin passed away and her funeral was this past Friday. It was great. It really was. I looked forward to the performers most. One of the performers, Ariana Grande, was in a slightly uncomfortable predicament. 

First of all, she clearly looks uncomfortable in this picture. Unfortunately, this probably hasn't been the first time he's groped someone the way he did her. This is nothing new. I can't even say it's nothing new to the church or to underage girls or anything like that. Men have always abused their power for gain. That's why there are movements like the Me Too movement. Because men abuse their power so much, women are expected to just suck it up like we do the air we breathe. 

What was more sickening is that the media tried to flip it on her. They were blaming her for what she wore. The media was ripping this girl apart for what she wore to a funeral. Would I have worn it to a funeral? Absolutely not. It was too short and too low-cut  I wouldn't have worn it to church at all. However, that does not excuse his actions. As a clearly grown man, he should be able to control himself. Yet again, his apology was only made because he was caught. 

Lastly, FOX news attempted to humiliate Geoffrey Owens for working at Trader Joes. Most of you are probably too young to know who he is. If you've ever watched The Cosby Show, he was Sandra's husband, Elvin. 

Apparently, he was photographed WORKING at Trader Joes. Okay he works at Trader Joes, so what? Being an actor is not a stable job. Honestly, I haven't seen him in anything consistently since The Cosby Show. He has to make ends meet somehow. You never know what is going to happen. You could book a show today and the pilot gets picked up, and the show could be cancelled before the end of the first season. So no FOX News, you don't get to patronize this man for doing what he has to do. Not everyone has a silver spoon in their mouth to keep things going. It just does not work that way for everybody. But of course, what more could you expect from FOX?




