365 Questions--September 9

What is your biggest dream?
Stability. I know it seems a little odd, but that's all I ever wanted. It's simple but complex at the same time. Stability to me includes a thriving career, family, marriage, and faith. I understand that there are ups and downs in life and sometimes it doesn't seem like everything will be okay, but I just want to be stable. I don't necessarily want it all like many people say, but I just want to be stable. I moved around so much as a kid and went through so much with my parents that I just want to provide that stability for me and my family. I want to be a consistent mother and wife.When I think of my future, that's what I think of: me, my husband, a house full of kids.

I know this dream was supposed to be about me, but my dreams always include other people. I find joy in helping other people so yes, my dreams are absolutely going to include someone else in some way, shape, or form. I have nonprofits that I want to open to help others become stable. Not only do I want to be stable, but I want to make a difference in everything that I do.
