365 Questions--September 6

Have you felt forsaken by the Lord?
I would absolutely be lying if I said no. We all know scripture says the Lord will never leave you or forsake you, but we would all be lying if we say we never got to a place where we felt forgotten. It may not be as extensive as forsaken, but forgotten...absolutely. Maybe it's just me. I've been through some seasons so dry that I literally had to ask God, why me and what did I do to deserve to have to go through that. From April 27, 2015 to 3 days ago, I've felt like that. This has been the most draining season of my life. I put so much effort into movie forward in my life that it was killing means depressing me that I was stagnant. It was like I was in quick sand in my life. Spiritually, I knew God was there, but I felt like He was done with me because of a mistake that I didn't intentionally make. It just happened. So every day from April 27, 2015 until this past Friday when it was declared over my life by my district elect lady, Prophetess Dr. LaTara Hunter-Tillman, that the drought in my life is over. I trust God with that. I know that it is true because of who it came from and what she said.
