365 Questions--September 12

What has prevented you from going after your dream?
I would have to say I have prevented myself from going after my dreams. I talk myself out of things so quickly. One moment I'm all in, and the next I'll be like "not right now." Either that or I'll put other things before my dreams. I tend to put my right nows in front of it. Right now my bills need to be paid. I invest in myself for right now so that I can pursue my dreams later on. I don't know if that still counts as not going after my dreams. I do the preparation, but I just don't go directly after it. To be honest, the bottom line is my fear is preventing my going after my dreams. I won't just jump into it because I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid of having to start over again.

That honestly is my biggest fear. I've been completely stripped of my life as I knew it before and I'm still recovering from that 2 years later. I don't want to have to experience that again. Because I'm so afraid of that. I kind of move in fear. I want to be in God's timing and do it the way He wants me to do it, but it's to the point that I second guess everything that I do.
