365 Questions--September 1

What are your individual gifts? How do you use them to improve the world around you?

I would have to say that my big mouth would be that gift. It's a gift and a curse sometimes. I have no filter whatsoever. When I was younger, I would say whatever I wanted. I wouldn't care who it was. If I felt the need to say something, it was coming out. It didn't matter who was around or where I was. Now that I'm 26, I try to control that just a little bit. However, even if I don't say it out my mouth, it's written all over my face. Because I am that way I find myself speaking up for those who can't speak for themselves. Sometimes, I think the things that I say makes people think about things a little differently. For example, my mom used to gay bash so bad when I was younger and it would be around my friends that were gay. I had to be like 15 at that time so one day she and I were in the car and she started it up again, and she asked me how I would feel if my friend told me they're gay (I'll go deeper into this topic later on), and I said "if I end a friendship over something that has nothing to do with me, like their sexuality, then maybe we were never really friends to being with." I'm notorious for doing stuff like that, but maybe if I didn't say those things others would still feel bullied and picked on and ostracized by others.
