365 Questions--August 31

What overarching thing would you like to embrace this year?
Honestly, I want to come to truly love myself. I'm getting there, but I don't want any insecurities or to beat myself up over things that have already happen. I want to love my past in spite of how painful it has been because I wouldn't have been where I am right now without that. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't have everything under control.

With that new found realization, I have to allow myself to be human. I'm so hard on myself. When things happen, I force myself to suck it up and keep moving. It doesn't matter how much it hurt me. I don't allow myself to cry too long. I don't allow myself to feel what I'm going through. I give myself like 5 minutes to cry and get it over with. I try to talk to myself out of crying by telling myself that "so and so doesn't deserve the power to make me cry this much." So instead of saying "Briana, this hurt you deeply. Feel how you need to feel and when you're ready, move on," I push myself and end up suppressing my feelings knowing that it'll snowball later. I have to stop letting that happen like that. It's not fair to myself.
