Let's Talk Saturdays--Color Me bad
Okay first and foremost, y'all I'm sorry. It's just been a little rough trying to get all this done combined with everything else going on in my life. This was supposed to go out months ago
I think I may have written about this topic before, but as usual, I was scrolling down my timeline and I started noticing something. Well for one thing, a clip from “We’re the Campbell’s” kept coming up. Here it is
Watching this broke my heart, and I planned on writing about this clip in particular, but then the next day I was scrolling down my timeline, and I see this
Big shoutout to Gabrielle Union.
I wouldn’t think that colorism is still a thing, especially now when melanin is such a thing now, but maybe it’s the older crowd that is embracing it. Listen, I’m 25, and when I was Krista’s age (Lord I hope I spelled that baby’s name right) and I experienced the effects of colorism. The majority of my friends were light skinned. I was always the dark friend. I remember one of my friends saying that it was a good thing that she was lighter than our (tan) door. I always felt left out because I was the darker one. I was always overlooked when it came to boys because I was the darker one.
I wish people knew that that mentality came from slavery. Yall “hate” white people so much, but you constantly apply their thinking. Being lighter doesn’t make you better than anybody. To be honest, I would prefer to be chocolate like I am living in the south because I don’t get sunburnt 😂😂😂. No but for real as Black people we have got to move on from European standards of beauty. People say “you’re dark” as an insult like it’s such a bad thing. Yeah I’m dark, but you’re ugly. I think people really got the whole game twisted. Just because you’re lighter than me or thicker does not mean you’re prettier than me. Listen, you can’t tell me all this chocolate and full lips ain’t cute. I don’t want to be negative, but there are some ugly girls out there. Being light skinned does not make you cute. I don’t know how many times I have to say that.
Even though I knew how it felt to be overlooked not because I wasn’t cute but simply because I wasn’t light enough, I applied the same behavior in my life. Well…in a way. Looking back at my track record with men, I’ve only dated either light skinned or White men. Not necessarily by choice. I’ve only been seriously approached by those types of men. Because of that, I find myself more attracted to some light skinned or White men. That may have been the case with Gabrielle Union’s stepkids. I’m glad she brought it to their attention.
In lieu of me writing this the whole Azalea Banks (or however you spell her name) on Wild N Out thing happened. In case yall didn't know, Wild N Out is one of my favorite shows. I've been watching since the show started, and I still love it. If you don't know what happened, here's DC Young Fly's side of what happened
First things first, y'all know I don't care for that girl. I've written about her before. But this just went over the top for me. You can't be mad that somebody thinks you're ugly. I don't even think DC thinks she's ugly. He calls everybody ugly. What I didn't like is that she made it a color issue. He didn't call her ugly because she's dark skinned. He didn't call her ugly because he thinks she's ugly. He called her ugly because he calls everybody ugly. What really did it for me is that she made it personal. First of all, you went on a rampage swearing up and down he was being colorist, and then you jumped to Nick Cannon's lupus over a stupid joke. People that make everything a colorist issue make me sick.
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