365 Questions--August 29

What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Making mistakes. I don't consider myself to be a perfectionist, but I am very, very hard don myself. I have a standard that I feel like my life should be at and sometimes I don't give myself room to grow. The worst thing I ever did to myself was overthink my choices. I put way too much pressure on myself. For example, when I moved back home, I literally came back kicking and screaming because I didn't want to leave Tallahassee. I felt like if I would've never got involved with that guy my life wouldn't have been so messed up. If I would've just said no when he tried me the first time I would've never had to go through everything I went through. I didn't allow myself to be human and make mistakes. Because of the mistakes I made, I feel like my life has been delayed and the things that God has called me to have been put on hold, and I feel like I disappointed not only myself but God. It's hard for me to forgive
