365 Questions--August 28

Who or what means the world to you and why?

I would have to say having people in my life that genuinely care about me and have my best interest at heart. Listen, hands down, I have the best church family ever. I would not trade them for the world. With my last ministry, it was a lot easier for me to genuinely love my church family because many of them were my blood family. On top of that, our church was so small that we had no choice but to spend time with the same people for extensive amounts of time. So like, the same people that were part of the music ministry were also the dancers. We were also the people that cleaned up the church. Needless to say, we were around each other a lot. 

With COP, I came in not knowing anybody.I literally found out about the church on Facebook. I came across the church's page and was watching videos and I decided it was a good idea to at least visit. Since being there, everybody that I've met, they are just genuinely loving and compassionate. I've received so many individual messages from people outside of actual service just encouraging and befriending me, and I absolutely love it. These people don't have to like me or love me, but they do. 
