365 Questions--August 25

What can you do or change to focus more on your wellbeing?

Focusing on my wellbeing is something that I definitely need to perfect ASAP. I have way too much going on. Right now on my list of things is, school, working 2 jobs, church, this blog, taking care of my grandma, planning my sister's bachelorette party, planning the decorations for her reception, and now grieving my goddaughter. It's a lot on my plate. I literally have no time for anything else. Being able to just sit in my bed and relax is enough for me. My bed is my happy place. I escape from everything for just a moment. It's just me and Stitch (my stuffed Stitch). Being alone gives me a chance to decompress. I can cry, scream, sing, talk to God...whatever I need to do in that moment, I'm able to do that when I'm alone in my house. The problem is I usually don't get home until I can barely hold my eyes open. To improve this, I can create more down time for me. It is absolutely necessary for me to do that. Without that down time, I'm not able to think clearly. I can't hear from God the way that I need to when my mind is so clouded and preoccupied with everything else I have going on. 

The other thing I do and need to do more is become more social. I know it's a little odd. Being around people and being able to let my hair down gives me a chance to just breathe. The extrovert in me enjoys being able to meet new people and to be able to do things. Like I'm going to the Go Getter Conference next month and my sister's bachelorette party is next month. It's stressful getting to those events, but I'm so excited for it to just get here. The good thing about doing stuff like that is I'm able to work on Briana. I'm so excited to be going to Go Getter next month. Being able to learn and absorb so much information and meet new people is really exciting to me. Lately, I've been forcing myself to be parts of groups of women. I recognized that I needed that a while ago. I have 2 people that I talk to every day, but that's it. I think I had mentioned it before that my first lady said I needed more female Christian friends here in the area because I stay in my house too much. I have to say that I agree. So I do everything that I can right now. I get inside my own head way too much sometimes. I will talk myself out of every blessing and every good thing that God has for me so I need an accountability partner and a support group. I don't want it to seem like I just want somebody to support me. Don't get it twisted, me supporting others is a given. I just need someone there, ya know?
