365 Questions--August 11

What is one of your innermost secrets?
I have serious rejection issues. In my rediscovery, I have been liberated to talk about this. My rejection issues started as a child. I’ll never say any ill towards my parents and their parenting skills. They did the best that they could, but the statement is true. Broken people raise broken people. Both of my parents came from broken homes and had at least one questionable parent. 
here is a cycle of brokenness in my family, especially my mom’s side. 

My mom and dad only did what they knew to do. As far as my dad goes, his father wasn’t around and I’m his first child so I was definitely an experiment. I’m my mom’s oldest too. I have a younger sister, but she never had the same experience with our parents. No 2 children ever have the same experience in a household (shoutout to Dr. Langley at THE FAMU). What happened to me was a lot of moving around between family members from early on. As I grew older, I started to resent my parents for that. I felt like they didn’t want me so they were shipping me off to whomever. As I got older, that turned into doing stuff for attention and doing stuff to be accepted by people or to just feel loved. 
