Let's Talk Saturdays---Oh, Leandria

You guys already know how this goes, I scroll down social media and I see my content for Let's Talk Saturdays. I usually stay away from religiously based topic for Let's Talk, but this one is definitely worth talking about. Well this week, as I was writing this past Let's Talk, I saw these videos of Leandria Johnson going IN. Here's the videos.

The reason this was so interesting to me was because there is so much truth to what she said. I'm not saying what she said is true for all people in the church circle, but there are definitely some people in the circle that would make the statement true. Just because they're church people doesn't mean that normal human behavior doesn't apply to them. Take church completely out of it.

We all know people who love us on social media and love us when they see us, but any other time, you don't hear from them. When I was a few years younger, it used to make me so mad. Some people it is a genuine "I need to hear from you," but there are people who say it and don't mean it at all. It's like when people say "Have your people call my people."  You know they're absolutely full of it. I've seen it myself. In previous ministries I've been in, there's been people in our circle that just were absolutely full of it. That's part of the reason why some people stay away from the church. Well I won't say stay away, but that's why some people leave. There's been times where pastors were preaching against fornication and adultery, but they were attempting to sleep with other people in ministry. It's hard to see the God in them when it's like that.

What happens now? You get Leandria Johnson calling out Marvin Winans. Was that the right thing to do? No, not at all. Nobody knew about the issue between them except he and her. There is no reason that issue should become that public. If your issue was a private issue, handle it in private. If it was public, handle it in public. It's interesting that she chose to make it a public issue when she's tired of being Leandria Johnson, the gospel artist. Those same antics is what draws so much attention.

And I get it, you get tired of putting on for other people. You get tired of having to put on a smile when you really don't feel like smiling. However, in spite of all of that, the bottom line is to whom much is given much is required. Meaning, if God place being a pastor, being a minister of music, being a prophet, or whatever He has called you to be inside of you, there are requirements that come with that. Sometimes that may be rebuke or correction when you're in error. We don't always like it, but it is necessary.

Now, she has since apologized since those videos have gone out, and I feel like it was a genuine apology. I also feel like she apologized not for what she said but how she said it. Doing ministry for a living can be really taxing on you mentally. You're doing your work for a perfect Lord, but imperfect people are involved and it can get frustrating. I mean of course I don't know the ins and outs of it, but I'm sure it gets just as frustrating as any other job does. I wish people would really be honest with themselves for a change. Yeah, maybe Leandria shouldn't get on social media saying the things she says, but at the end of the day she can say whatever she wants, and to be honest, she's probably saying a lot of things that people were already thinking but just didn't say.
