365 Questions--July 7

What do you spend your time thinking about

Interesting fact--I'm a thinker. I'm an analyzer. I spend a lot of time thinking about how I could do things better. Sometimes that includes reflecting on situations that just happened and think of what I could've done different or better or what I could've done to prevent that situation from happening. Like now, I have a lot of going on personally. I think about what I could've done to prevent that from happening and how I can improve moving forward. I wouldn't recommend that for everyone simply because overthinking like that will drive you slap crazy. Sometimes it even makes you live in the past. You ever read old text messages? Doing that too much will do it. I used to have a real problem with reading old texts when me and bae were not on good terms. Reading those old texts would make me fall back in love with who he used to be, but that's just not who he is anymore. Then I would go through the whole, what could I have done for him not to act like that? It's just not healthy to do that so much. For some people, like me, thinking too much can lead to self blaming, and you have to realize that everything that happened is not always your fault. 

Of course, there are times were thinking can be positive. For example, I think about YSF a lot and I think about what you guys might want to read or what content you would want from me. I actually think about YSF all the time. There is so much that I want to do with YSF. My youtube channel will be officially launching very, very soon so be sure to follow me on IG (@youngsavedandfree) for the official date. There are so many twists and turns that I have in store for this. I don't want it to just be a blog. I want to turn it into a brand.
