365 Questions--July 27

What is the best part of the summer?

My birthday😜😜😜…no but really I love the traveling. Traveling is fun any time of year, but it’s something about the summer. It’s so carefree and reckless. It seems like the best memories are made in the summer. Like, when my baby sister graduated last summer…definitely a trip for the books. Or when I went to St. Pete when I graduated a few years back. The summer is almost always good to me. 

Even if I am single, good things happen to me in the summer. Summer love is always the best. I’m a sap sometimes. I love love and being in love. Summer is wedding season and everything is so beautiful. It’s something about the summer that takes the pressure off the relationship. It’s not like Christmas and Valentine’s Day where gifts are expected (even though my birthday is at the end of the summer). Every relationship I’ve ever been in thrived during the summer. I don’t know why. It just does. 

It’s something about the sun being out that just makes me want to relax. It kinda makes me want to be more social too. Like I just want to do more. It might just be because of the city I’m in. When I was living in Florida, I didn’t do much but chill with my family. But now that I’m in back in Augusta, the summer marks the beginning of a bunch of events. Augusta is a very artsy and creative town. So like in the summer time, they have the candlelight jazz series by the riverwalk. It’s great. Maybe that’s why I love this place sometimes. 
