365 Questions--July 26

What is a question that needs to be asked?

Just joking 😂😂😂😂😂but the question is "what do you want?" I think you have to ask yourself that. That makes the difference between living and just existing. It's funny because I'm such a thinker and I'm so sure of myself all the time, but yesterday one of the guests at the hotel I work at saw me zone out and he asked me what I was thinking about and I told him school. We then went through the normal spill of I'm going to school for public administration and I graduate in December, but then he asked me what did I want to do...and I got stuck. I'm always so sure of myself and I know what I would like to do in the long run, but I have no idea what I really want to do after graduation. I had to ask myself "What does Briana want?" Slowly, I'm coming into what career I want.

I also think the question "What do you want?" needs to be asked to anyone coming into your life. It doesn't matter in what capacity they are coming in. It could be a friend a significant other, an associate..everyone has a motive. Had I asked my significant others that long ago, I probably wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now where I'm constantly putting a wall up to protect myself from other people. I constantly question people's motives because not everyone means well. She people come around to take advantage of you, your status, your money, anything. You don't necessarily have to ask that question out loud, and honestly I wouldn't ask that out loud. I would just watch very closely because action s speak so much louder.
