365 Questions--July 24

Do you find it easy or hard to make new friends?

I would say it's kind of hard for me to make friends. I get along with everybody great, well mostly everybody. Of course, if I don't like someone, I genuinely don't like them. I can't fake, and I can't front. My issue seems to be that I have difficulty maintaining friendships. I love all of my friends from the bottom of my heart. I just am not the best in staying in contact with them. My feelings towards them never change. Honestly and truly, I could not speak to my friends for months or maybe even a year, but the minute I see them, it's like nothing ever happened. It's not because I'm faking it or anything. I genuinely care about them. 

Part of the issue is that I grew up as an army brat in a time where cell phones weren't really a thing. I was used to picking up and moving every 3 years. When I moved I left my friends right there where they were. Not because I didn't care about them, but because I didn't have any way of contacting them. It's just a sign of the times. Even still, I didn't have a cell phone until I was 14 almost 15 years old. That's over half my life and of just picking up and leaving and not knowing if I would ever see my friends again. By the time I had a phone, my friends were pretty consistent. But then I was subjected to another set of problems. 

Okay truth be told--I'm a little weird. I'm like the most social introvert you'll ever meet. Love to go out and do stuff, but I'm so to myself. Even now at 25 years old, that's still a struggle of mine. Literally Saturday, I had that issue. My church had the women's brunch Saturday, and afterwards a few of the girls were going to a pop-up shop. Now, I had no intentions of going, but then First Lady turns to one of the girls and says "Make Bre go with y'all," and I'm standing there like 😳😰. So then she goes on to say "what you got to do? You not going to do nothing but sit at home. You need to hang out with some good church people." Did she have a point? Absolutely. I've been at my church for almost 2 years and I don't really have anyone that I'm particularly close to. I love my church family, but when I leave church that's it. I don't speak to them really outside of that, and I have to get out of that habit. 
