365 Questions--July 20

How do you feel about your job/profession?
So I just started working at a hotel on Monday, and I love it. It’s hard for me to not love something that’s not a call center. I’ve been working at call centers for the last 5 years. I’m just glad I’m in a place where I can actually see people and know who I’m talking to. Now in about 5 months when I graduate, we’ll see how I feel. 

As many of you know, I will be graduating in December with my Masters in public administration. I don't really know what I want to do. I've had 2  years to figure it out and I still don't know. I think I might want to work in student affairs at an HBCU. I think that's what I want to do. I love being on a college campus, and I would prefer to work at an HBCU because who wouldn't want to be around all the Black excellence?? I've gone to a PWI and to an HBCU and honestly there is a BIG difference in the environment. I remember seeing this post when I was at FAMU and somebody said "I went both to Florida State and FAMU. At Florida State, they told me to go to counseling. At FAMU, they prayed for me." I absolutely love that. My experience with the faculty at FAMU was much more personal. I actually was going to the same church as my advisor and didn't know until later on. 

If I could have that effect on people on still be able to live my life, it would be perfect. 
