365 Questions--July 18

If fear wasn’t a problem, what would you do today?
I wouldn’t necessarily say today, but I would move to Houston. I graduate with my master’s in December, and I have no plan for after graduation. I don’t have any real career plans. I just want more money. I’ve invested so much into myself to be stuck here in Augusta making just over minimum wage. I would up and move to Houston…or maybe Charlotte. I’m kind of afraid of starting over. I had to start over when I was 23 and it wrecked me. It really did a number on me. Perhaps, it is because of the circumstances and the reasoning on why I started over. In a perfect world, I would be living in Houston working at Texas Southern and doing YSF.

Before now, I wasn’t really scared to leave Augusta. I wouldn’t even say that I’m scared now. There’s a lot at stake with me leaving. My grandmother is the last grandparent I have left and she’s doing okay, but she’s getting old. I just don’t want her to get sick and die and I’m not here. I wasn’t there when my grandfather died. To be honest, I didn’t know my other grandparents on father’s side. His mother died before I was born, and I wasn’t allowed to have a relationship with his father. I just don’t want to miss my moments with her. 
On top of that, I absolutely love my church. I can’t emphasize this enough. I love my pastor and first lady, my church family. I don’t want to give that up. If I do, I don’t want to lose my relationship with them, which is why I don’t mind moving to Charlotte so that I can come back and forth from time to time. I don’t know, but to answer the question—I would move. 
