365 Questions--July 17

Three things you want to change 
I want to be more social. It’s crazy because I want to go out and do things. Like here, we have open mic nights and candlelight jazz. All kind of stuff, and I want to go, but I don’t have anybody to go with. Literally, no one. Even with my church family I’m not that social. I sing in the choir, clean up the church, and dance with the children, but nobody really knows who I am. I speak when I’m at church, but I don’t speak to anyone outside of that. I compartmentalize my life in such a way that it leaves with little to no friends. I leave my church friends at church, my work friends at work, and no one comes into my house. When I have free time, it’s just me. 

I want to become more of a businesswoman. Right now, I work part time for a business consultant, and she is teaching me so much about business. I’ve mentioned this several times that I want to expand YSF to more than just this blog and Youtube. I have big dreams for YSF. Those dreams can’t become reality if I don’t become a better businesswoman. 

I want to invest in myself more. This has already started to change. That includes a lot of things, like making me time and investing in my future. Like, going to summit 21. I had to go to something to expand my mind to more than just my thoughts. Being able to listen to others that are in positions that I desire. I have to level up my thinking. I have to expose myself to more than my surroundings. 
