365 Questions--July 16

What do you find restful?
Lately, it’s been reading. It’s crazy. I used to hate reading. Before recently, I don’t think I’ve read a book just to read since I was like 13 or 14, so over a decade ago. I’ve been working for a business consultant and she talks about mindset all the time, and it’s not just with me; it’s with her clients too. Reading is included in that. What are you putting into your mind? Most successful people read a little bit a day. 

For me, being successful is being emotionally sound and mentally strong. I’m a pretty strong girl without even reading. That’s just who I am as a person. I’ve been reading a lot of success-related books. For example, the first book I read was I Can’t Make This Upby Kevin Hart. I’m a huge Kevin Hart fan, and have been for maybe 10 years now. Part of the reason why I even bought the book in the first place is because of how he talked about the book in interviews. I always love to listen to him because he is always able to find humor in situations that would probably drive someone crazy, like his father being on cocaine. He took that and is now able to smile about it. He was able to come through that. Eventually, I want to be able to be the same way when it comes to my life. 
