365 Questions--July 14

Who are your heroes?
I would have to say my older sister/cousin Toya. Biologically, she’s my cousin, but we’re more like sisters. She is the strongest person I have ever met in my life. She’s been through so much from the time she was a child up until now. I’ve always looked up to her as a child. When we were kids, I would follow her everywhere. Whenever she was out in the streets, I was right there with her. If she dare tried to leave me, I would have a fit. Nothing changed once we got older.
When I started college, I went to college about an hour and 15 minutes from her. Of course, I was at her house every chance I got. Knowing what I knew about her at that time and knowing what she’s been through in relationships, as a single mother, as a pastor, I commend her for being the woman that she is. I don’t know anybody who could go through all of that and still preach the way that she does. Not only preach, but preach, shout, prophesy, lay hands, and cast out demons like none other. 

Her transparency is her most favorite characteristic of mine. She doesn’t mine telling her story or her flaws. I can respect that, and maybe that’s why I’m okay with being so transparent with yall. 
