365 Questions--July 11

What is something the younger me would like about present-day me?

I would have to say my resilience. Even though I'm in a low place right now, I'll bounce back soon enough. I always do. Regardless of what happens to me, no matter how many times I get my heart broken, no matter how many times I fall, I always get back up and am better than I was before. Now that I'm a little bit older, sometimes it hurts more depending on what happened, but I'll be fine. When I was younger, it felt like everything was the end of the world. The fact that I am still here right now, it is a testament. When it was really easy for me to give up, I didn't. 

I remember being 14 years old and wanting to die after a cycle of bad things had happened. My godfather died. I was raped by someone I trusted. My relationship with my mother was the worst it had ever been. I was at a really awkward point in life. Because of the way I grew up, I was grown before I hit puberty. I couldn't understand why I was so misunderstood or why no boy my age was worth my time. I wish I could've just told her, "just keep going. It'll be alright." 
