Let's Talk Saturdays--Nobody Deserves That

Let’s Talk Saturdays
So I want to say maybe a week ago, rapper XXTentacion was killed while in Florida. 
This young man was an activist. He had hope in his generation and those after him. All these great things about this great man are surfacing. To be honest, I had never heard of him until after he died. Then all of a sudden people were posting about how he was such a great person and he was the hope for the generation. And then


Someone releases photos of his ex-girlfriend after he had beaten her, and the caption says, “he deserved everything that happened to him.” It may have not been those exact words, but it was something of the sort. I’m not going to lie; the pictures were horrible. They weren’t the worst things that I had ever seen, but it was pretty bad. 

When I first saw the pictures I had a few initial thoughts. If I am completely honest, I knew that something like that was going to happen. There were so many positive words being said about him. I knew something was going to come out. It’s kind of like Lyfe Jennings. Lyfe made strictly positive songs for the gist of his career, but then he went to jail for beating his wife or girlfriend or whoever. It tainted his image, but his real colors were shown. Nobody has it all 

The other thing that came to mind is how people like to throw shade. It was like “yeah it sucks that he’s dead, but he was a woman beater.” Why does that even matter? I’m not saying completely ignore the fact that this girl had busted blood vessels in both of her eyes. What I’m saying is when it’s all said and done, this rapper was a human being that was gunned down by another human being. It’s never that serious where you have to take somebody’s life. It’s never that serious. 

But what can you expect from people? It was the same way when Chris Brown beat up Rihanna. Nothing like that had ever come out before about him. He was genuinely sorry for what happened, but it’s just like people to not be willing to forgive. The crazy thing with the XXTentacion’s case is the young woman that he beat didn’t even show any kind of ill feelings. It was everybody else. 

I’ve had people break my heart, lie, cheat, and steal, from me. To this day, I wish nothing but good on them. I know somebody is reading this and saying, “Briana, that’s not the same as somebody beating you.” Well, I was in a physically and mentally abusive relationship for years. He’s a felon now, and I still wish nothing but the best for him. It’s not because I love him or I want him back. It’s because I know that it’s not my place to decide what someone does or does not deserve. 
