365 Questions--June 9

A song that makes you hopeful

I haven't mentioned a gospel song in the last couple of posts, but I have to say there's a few songs in particular that come into mind when I read this question.

1. He's Able 
Everybody knows this song. It doesn't matter who sings it. Wait I take that back. It matters who sings it, but it doesn't matter when they're all anointed. Everybody can put their own spin on it. Literally every time I hear that song, the tears just start coming down. My pastor recently launched his ministry with 2 Days of Praise this past weekend, and there was a soloist the first night who sang "He's Able." It was so so awesome. It doesn't matter what I'm going through. That song just does something to me. 

2. Waymaker
"Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are...." If this song doesn't give you hope, I don't know what else will. Knowing who God is and what He is capable of doing is enough for me. I've seen Him do all of those things, not just for me, but for others as well. So regardless of whatever I feel in the moment is null and void when I think of the God that I serve. To be honest, I don't care for the original recording of this song. I actually hate it. I don't like the autotune-y sound it has. But to see people perform it....yes. Shawn Bigby performed this song during 2 Days of Praise and it was amazing. I don't even think he sang the actual verses, the chorus is enough. 

3. Status is Changing--Andre Jones
This song I don't listen to this song that often, but it constantly reminds me that my situation does not have to stay where it is. If you remember during the Mental Health Cleanse Challenge, this song was on my playlist. 
