365 Questions--June 7

A song that reminds you of last summer

Hands down, this has to be "Wild Thoughts." This song was everywhere. I do have to say this, DJ Khaled always comes through with the summer anthems. Like in 2016, it was "For Free." I mean the song was hot, and he did it again with "Wild Thoughts." For me, it caught my attention for a couple of different reasons. I'm a 90's baby so of course, when I heard the track, I thought it was "Maria, Maria." Then all the social media controversy came with that comparison. The younger generation doesn't know about Maria, Maria. That was before their time. It just makes me laugh because there's so much sampling of 90's music in songs today, kids really think it's something new. That track is not new. It's a 90's track but the words were changed. Either way, it was a great spin on the track. 
