365 Questions--June 15

A song you love to sing along to 

Uhhhhhhh all of them 😂😂😂No really. I will sing along with just about anybody that sounds halfway decent. I am a music feign so you can almost always count on me to sing along. 

I can't just pick one secular song for this. I'm just going to throw the whole Sweet Sexy Savage album by Kehlani. That entire album is a bop, and it just flows so well. I love Kehlani anyway, but that album is something special. 

If I had to pick a gospel song that I really can't help but sing along to....I would have to say....Your Way is Better by Shawn Bigby. I mentioned Shawn in a previous post, and I still stand by the fact that I love to hear his voice. This song though. This is the one. I started singing along immediately. It's not because the song is catchy or anything. It's because the song resonated within me. 
