Let's Talk Saturdays---Woke or No??

So of course I could NOT let this week go by without acknowledging Donald Glover's video "This is America" video. The video is phenomenal. Clearly. The symbolism, the artistry is EVERYTHING. I got my entire life. Major shoutout to Donald Glover/Childish Gambino. He's a dope artist anyway, but this video really did it for me. If you haven't seen the video, here it is.

Now as amazing as this video is, people just won't let Donald Glover live. Why? Because his girlfriend is White. I think the question that people need to ask is does being in an interracial relationship negate your pro-Blackness? Is it possible for the 2 to coexist? The crazy thing is the day I was thinking about this, Ebro in the morning on Hot 97 (I love Ebro btw). Some of the answers kinda had me like ðŸ¤”🤔. I'll leave the segment below. 

I think there are 2 things that people are missing here. For 1 thing, just because someone is dating someone outside of their race does not mean that that person they're dating is anti-Black. It's absolutely possible to be a race other than Black and be pro-Black. Oh my God that's not anything new. Even if you went back to slave times, not every White person was pro-slavery. The Underground Railroad even had White people. Like, come on. Not all White people are part of the KKK. Not all White people are racist. I wish people would get over that stereotype. I mean do people really think that Colin Kaepernick's mother, who is a White woman by the way, is anti-Black? That wouldn't even make sense. Why Donald Glover love who he loves? He loves her for who she is, and it just so happens to be that she is White, and she's carrying a Black child. Point, blank, and period.

The other thing people are missing is that most Black women are not checking for a man that is anything remotely close to Donald Glover. Tell me if I'm wrong. Donald Glover is very nerdy. I don't know much about him, but he looks like he was one of those really lame kinds that used to be in the basement playing video games and would laugh til he snorts. It's just an observation. I'm not saying it's fact. He just doesn't come off as the typical person that is labeled as a sex symbol or as attractive. You can't get mad at him because every time he's stepped to a Black woman he's played alllllllllllllllllllll the way to the left. Sorry not sorry.

I think that he's being confused with the Black man that would date any and every Black woman, and then he became successful and now he only dates White women. I don't think that was the case with him. I do believe he genuinely loves his girlfriend. Even though he is with her, he can still be down for the culture. It's absolutely possible. I think the thing that is happening unfortunately is that people don't believe in love anymore. People think that there is a motive behind everything. Even with Youtube couples that are interracial, people attack them in the comments and accuse them of wanting light skinned children and being anti-Black. It's crazy. Sometimes people be too "woke" for their own good.
