Let's Talk Saturdays--Banking that You're not the Best

So a name that I've seen over and over in the media recently is Azealia Banks. If you don't know who she is,  she's a rapper. Here she is

From what I've heard, she's a pretty dope lyricist. I've never listened to her music. I honestly didn't know who she was. Every time I heard her name, it was because she was having some type of controversy with somebody. I'm not even joking, literally every single time I heard her name, it's because she's said something about somebody. She's always the one that initiates it from what I've seen.

Recently, she came for America's favorite, Cardi B. It was completely unwarranted, unnecessary, and completely disrespectful. Here's the interview. It's really long

First of all, I don't understand why anyone would want her on their show except to draw attention because I can guarantee she's going to go out her way to say something about somebody that has nothing to do with her. Secondly, if Cardi B is not her thing, okay fine don't listen. Somebody else will. You don't have to like her. Thirdly, you can't get mad and attack somebody because they responded to what you started. It just doesn't work that way.

To be completely honest, I feel like she does it for attention. Apparently she recently got signed. Good for her. I feel like she attacks artists so much because she's not a number one artist. She's not even in the conversation. I'm not in the music industry, obviously, but I understand networking. If she was a nasty person in private, that would be a different story. She knows exactly what she is doing when she goes to nationally syndicated shows and making outlandish comments. Yes, you're drawing attention to yourself, but nobody is going to work with you when you are so controversial all the time. Everybody may not say something in response to it, but everybody saw it. Good luck with that, sweetheart.

I did read up on her a little bit, and apparently she experienced some type of abuse from her mom. I understand that, but just because you've been through something doesn't mean that everyone else hasn't been through something. Even from a spiritual aspect, people go through things, but God is able to heal all of that, if you let Him. But when you don't let Him, this is what you get--you get a hurt, bitter person. Hurt people hurt people. Point. Blank. Period. You have to be a hurt person to come after a pregnant woman who didn't do anything to you. I may be wrong as two left feet. What are your thoughts on this?
