365 Questions--May 5

What currently triggers you?

Honestly, there's not a lot that will set me off. I pick my battles. However, I do not handle betrayal well at all. For one thing, I don't have very many people around me. I know a lot of people, and a lot of people know who I am, but they don't know me know me if that makes sense. With that being said, if I allow you in my space and I'm spending time with you, and you betray me, I take it very personally. So, like, recently I had a family member spreading really ugly rumors about me about it a situation that happened years ago and it set me off because I treated this person like a sibling. I had their back no matter what. Not only that, but why do you feel the need to bring up my past and lie about what happened? I really don't like that.

Another thing I don't like is people using what they know about me against me on purpose to hurt me.  For example, there was someone who talked about my ex (who was my boyfriend at the time) to people who don't really know me. They knew who I was, but they didn't know me as a person. The person that was telling everything knew me very well and knew how private I was (and still am), and she also knew how sensitive I am (still am lowkey) and yet she still decided to do what she did. I know there's no rules, but when it's calculated like that.

OH !! And another thing, I don't like when people try to check me about my life decisions. I really don't like that. I think people don't realize that I am 25 years old. I'm grown. I make my own decisions. There's been a couple of times recently where people have came at me about leaving the church my parents go to, and it sets me off every single time. I'm not sure why that specific thing makes me so mad.
