365 Questions--May 14

What are you thankful for?

This weekend was a lot. It's been really, really emotional so I really thought this was a great question for today. Today, I'm grateful for my life, my aunt's life, and my grandmother's life. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for everybody in my life. I know God to be a lot of things, but I've seen God heal the 3 of us with my own eyes. 

A couple posts back I discussed how I was diagnosed with PCOS, and I had to move back home. When I came home and went to the doctor, they literally could not recognize my ovaries because they were covered in cysts. I took birth control for a month maybe 2 and I just decided I wasn't going to take it anymore for a couple of different reasons. That was I think May or June 2016. I was devastated. To have something rip your life apart like that, be in denial, and then have it confirmed again was just too much for my life. I ended up gaining even more weight. Something snapped in me one day and I just started going to the gym hard. I've never been one for the gym, but I dropped all  the weight in a couple of months. By October I was back to my original size. By July 2017, I had to go back to the doctor for a follow-up and they scheduled an MRI. I was scared out of my mind to have to go through that. I literally cried myself to sleep during the process. Results came back and everything was gone. Every cyst was gone. I had never seen anything like that, but I knew it was God. 

In October 2016, my aunt had a stroke. The day before, she was stumbling around, and nobody thought anything of it. Stumbling is signs of a stroke. She does a lot. She is everything to everybody. She took care of her entire household by herself. The next day, she got up to go to work with her husband. She doesn't work with him, but she got up anyway. As soon as she got to the hallway, she collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. Had she not gotten out the bed that morning, nobody would have known that she was having a stroke and she would've died in bed. Yes, I was pretty shook when it happened. I had never seen anything like that in my life. To see her today, and she is talking and coherent and able to walk, it's nothing but God. 

This weekend, I was out enjoying my weekend, and all of a sudden I get a call from sister cousin (yes we're cousins, but we're more like sisters) and she said my grandma's speech was slurring. That is also a sign of a stroke. I literally dropped my phone because I was so scared. The thing about it is, only me and my parents are in the same city as my grandma. Nobody else was answering the phone. Even if they did answer, had my grandma been like passed out on the floor or something, I am the only one who had a key to her screen door that she always has locked. When I got there, she was sitting up and able to walk. She could talk somewhat. Her blood pressure was high enough that she should've had a stroke, and her blood sugar was high enough that she should've been in a coma, but she wasn't. She didn't even feel bad. This happened Saturday and Sunday. Sunday her blood sugar was even higher. Still, she felt fine. It's scary to think that she didn't feel no type of way, but I'm thankful that she is home and not laid up in the hospital somewhere. 
