365 Questions--May 10

What are you fave moments from the past?

College. College was the best, most stressful 4 years of my life. I legit wouldn't have traded my college experience for the world. I made the best friends. Even though we don't talk as much today because we're all busy and living our lives and not around each other 24/7 like we were back then, but they're my family. I went into VSU and left VSU with a bang. My first years amazing and my last semester was amazing. Of course, there were great moments in between that, but when I think of college those are the 2 years in particular that I think about. 

My freshman year was so full of trouble. I mean trouble in the sense of my parents wouldn't exactly approve of what I was doing, but what I was doing was normal. I partied hard my freshman year. And no my grades didn't suffer. I ended that year with 3.8. I was back in my element and could do whatever I wanted. It was good to me. I got to meet a lot of celebrities and be more public than I'm used to. It was a different experience for me. 

My senior year, I spent a lot more time bonding with my friends. I remember when there was an ice storm farther north. The highways in Atlanta had shut down. The power was out here in Augusta. The weather was so bad that they shut down campus in Valdosta, 4 hours away, for the week. For that entire week, my friends and I all stayed in one of our friend's apartment. We talked, watched movies, we really bonded. Those are my babies. Of course we fuss and fight from time to time, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. 
