Let's Talk Saturdays--Lighter Equals Prettier??

First and foremost, I want to apologize for leaving y'all briefly. I had finals and 2 big papers due this week. It's been rough 😓 But I'm back for real this time

So before my little break, I watched Iyanla Fix My Life, like I do every Saturday (yes I'm an old lady lowkey). If you didn't watch it, it was the Hazel E episode. A while back Hazel made some comments  that were not so nice.

See. Now if this was me maybe 2 years ago, really if she caught me on the right day right now, she wouldn't be here. But anyway...to tackle the task at hand.

The first issue I had with this episode was Arica (that's her real name) accounted what she said to her anger. Hazel is 37 (supposedly. I think she's older than that honestly). By the time you're that old you should be able to control what comes out of your mouth. We all have heard the saying "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." It's scripture. The things that Hazel said would have never  come out of her mouth if they weren't in her heart. So no. I'm not going to just accept that excuse for saying what she said.

Secondly, I'm really tired of this colorism issue. This should not still be a thing in 2018. It's actually sickening. People should get tired of hearing people constantly saying, colorism is a result of slavery. It's true. Slaves were separated by skin color. Darker slaves were in the field. Lighter slaves were in the house. But at the end of the day, they were still Black to the slavemaster, and he could do whatever they wanted to do them. Skin color aint gon save no Black person from that, and that's fact.

It's not slave times anymore, but guess what Black people are being killed all. the. time. and it's not because they're criminals or because they were doing something wrong. It's because they are Black. Recognize that. There's no reason for a Black woman to tear down another Black woman. It's just uncalled for, and honestly I get tired of seeing it. It's one thing to state fact, but to create all kinds of stuff for the simple motive of tearing people down.

Y'all ever notice people try to tear people down with something that doesn't even matter? Like somebody say that someone is prettier because they are skinnier or because they're lighter? Having lighter skin or being skinnier has nothing to do with how a person's face looks. That other stuff is irrelevant. Now I know I just said I don't believe in tearing women down, but in my opinion, Hazel is ugly as sin. There ain't enough nips and tucks and implants in the world to make her attractive.

But I guess somebody finds her attractive. I wish people would understand the difference between preference and fact. Some people may prefer a certain skin color or body type over another, but that doesn't mean that those characteristics are better. I like my men tall, thick, and red. There's nothing wrong with dark skin. Dark skin is beautiful. I have dark skin.

But there's too many times the lighter skinned girl is picked over a dark skinned girl because of her skin color alone. It's like people want a Black girl, but  they can't be too "ethnic looking." In my last post, I mentioned Jamie and Nikki. Nikki is so beautiful, but I can remember seeing people drag her in the comments for being "too" black whatever that means. The woman is undeniably beautiful. Look at her

It's time to stop shaming people for something they cannot control. She cannot control how dark her skin is. Just because she's dark does not mean ugly or anything close to it. People have to give credit where credit is due.
