365 Questions--April 6

Do you have any regrets?
I'm not really the type to truly regret something. Most things I just take as a lesson, but honestly, yes I do have regrets. I have like 2. I don't talk about either of these things a lot because they are a little emotional for me.

The first regret is not going to my godfather's funeral. My life as a kid revolved around the men in my life, and mean like my father figures. I was fortunate enough to have 3 "fathers" growing up: my biological father, my godfather, and my granddaddy. The things with my godfather was always there. When I got in trouble at school (mostly because I was popping off at the mouth or fighting), my daddy and my goddaddy came. I remember being so mad with my parents and "running away" to his house as a kid. When he got married, his wife kinda isolated him and I always.....strongly disliked her for that. When he got sick, she never did right by him (God rest his soul). Because I knew what was going on, which I probably should not have known since I was 13, I was very emotional about the situation. In a previous blog I talked about how protective I am of my loved ones. That was no different when I was a kid or with my goddaddy. The thing about when I was a kid, I had nothing to lose. I just did not care. I swore on everything that me and his wife were going to have a problem every time I saw her. It just so happened the next time I would see her was the funeral. I did not want to disrespect my godddaddy so I just didn't show up at the funeral. It bothers me to this day because I never got closure. I just prayed he would be at rest.

The second regret I have is not completing a degree at an HBCU. I've spoken about this a couple of times. But y'all, had y'all know me in high school, you would know that I was very adamant about going to an HBCU, but somehow I ended up Valdosta State. Don't get me wrong, I loved VSU, but there's something about being at an HBCU that made me feel like I was at home. I only went to FAMU for a semester but they were working with me from the moment I applied for the program and even after I had to leave because of my health. They did more than VSU ever did in the 4 years I was there. I hate that I was so nonchalant about it even though it really meant the world to me.
