365 Questions--April 5

What one thing do you constantly tell yourself?

One thing I always tell myself is it'll be alright or it'll all work out. It's a really simple thing to say. It seems kind of nonchalant, but that's kind of how i have to be with myself. I get so worked up sometimes. All it takes is some calmness to make me snap out of it. To be honest, I am all over the place. I think I might have ADD or something because I literally will start panicking about like 3 things at one time, but the moment I tell myself it'll be alright I feel like I can breathe again.

This kind of makes me think about the time "Intentional" by Travis Greene came out. I couldn't understand what was going on in my life. There was a lot of changes happening in my life and I felt really overwhelmed. To me, that song was telling me "it'll all work out." The reason I brought this song up is because a lot of times when I'm "talking" to myself it's through song. I'll sing and sing and sing until I feel alright. 

All things are working for my good
'Cause He's intentional
Never failing

--Travis Greene
