365 Questions--April 30

What is a fact about you that you don't usually share?

One thing that probably doesn't make sense to anybody that knows me is I'm really really shy. As open as I can be and as much of a spit fire I can be, I am extremely shy. In general, I watch people very closely and kind of decide if I want to interact with them, but I don't always have control of every situation. Sometimes people come to me wanting to interact before I form a real opinion of them, and I'll be like 😳😳. In class, I always sit in the back and I never say anything. I almost always know the answer, but I won't say anything. Even with people that I have dated, it's almost like pulling teeth to get me to really open up. I'll ask a lot of questions, but it's almost like I shut down when people ask me about myself. I downplay a lot of what has happened in my life when I talk to people. It's really weird. I'm shy, but I'm once I'm comfortable I'm extremely outspoken. It's legit like I go from a shy little girl to Cardi B.
