365 Questions--April 27

How important do you think education is?

Just in general, education is very important. College aint for everybody, but I would definitely recommend that everybody go for the experience. Going to college gives you a chance for growth. That time frame is critical. I don't care how old you are when you go. It's something that happens in those 4 years. It's like a light comes on or something. I don't even care about the degree. I mean yeah it's important, but I think that personal growth I had while I was there was more important. 

As a Black woman, going to college and finish is a really big deal to me. First and foremost, I am the first person in my family on my mom's side to go to college an finish the first time. I didn't have to take a break before I got my Bachelors. Most of my relatives got pregnant and had to drop out and go back later, but I finished. Now, as a Black woman, education is that much more important to me, especially now that I have a little bit deeper understanding of education in the U.S. Many of you may not know, but I am getting my masters in public administration. I recently had to do extensive research on No Child Left Behind and other educational policies. And I'll just say this...the system was never made for minorities to succeed. It just wasn't, and now that schools are all supposed to have equal quality, the government is taking money away from colleges and putting that funding towards prisons. Now, I have made it my goal to get exactly to the place where they would've never expected me to be. 
