365 Questions--April 26

Why do you keep a journal?

For as long as I can remember, I've journaled. I have notebooks from maybe 2nd or 3rd grade where I would just write and write and write. My aunt used to buy me journals as a kid, and I would just write. I don't know what interested me in the first place. I just did it. I can remember when I was around 12 and I was having suicidal ideations, I wrote about it. Everything I ever felt, I wrote about it.

A few years ago, I stopped writing as much and I started vlogging. Well I'm not sure if it really counts as vlogging, but I would talk to my computer. I actually got the idea from watching Life is But a Dream. It's a documentary Beyonce made when she was creating 4 (which is one of my favorite albums btw). She didn't have anybody to talk to so she would talk to her computer. The minute I saw that I started doing the same thing. I am alone most of the time and at that time. A lot of times, I didn't want to hear want anybody had to say about my situation. I just wanted to get my emotions out.

That's kind of where YSF came from. I found myself talking about my struggles as a young Christian.  Some of the videos were story times. Others were actual discussions. Slowly, YSF came to be. That's part of the reason why I can't wait to get my camera because I'm literally sitting on these videos.
