365 Questions--April 14

Who do you trust the most?

Honestly I would have to say after God, it would have to be my cousin Toya, my cousin Sherrie, and my cousin Kearston, and my cousin Lewis. Just anyone I consider family, I trust. But those 5? They are a big part of my sanity. I keep a lot of stuff inside. Sometimes I can't even explain what I'm feeling, but somehow Toya knows. She's a prophetess so that's probably how she knows. I've always been up under her. Even as a kid, every where she went I was right behind her. Now that I'm older I respect the God that I've seen in her for myself. She is part of the reason I kept my faith when I felt like I couldn't trust nobody in ministry. If I want realistic, but Godly advice I go to her.

Sherrie is my turn up cousin. When she knows I'm not feeling the best, she's the one that wants to go turn up. That's her role. I don't want to limit her to that, but she gives the most unbiased ear. Because she's so hard to get into contact with sometimes, I don't have to worry about this person and that person all in her ear about me. She may be under the influence of something when I talk to her, but I know she got my back.

Kearston and Lewis are my brothers for life. We're cousins by blood, but those are my brothers. Me and Kearston are only 9 months apart so we literally grew up together. We graduated from high school the same year and everything. Everything I know about men, I learned from them and my granddaddy. By the time I was dating, there was nothing you could tell me because I've seen it all. I've watched them juggle 3 or 4 girls a piece at least and that's the minimum. We've always been close. Lewis and I reached a new level of closeness when I was last in St. Pete. There was a lot he didn't know happened until I told him.

The way that I trust each of these people is amazing to look at because I really don't trust anybody, especially people that know a lot of the same people I know. I don't want to risk my business being spread like wildfire. But these people? They're a one in a lifetime.
