365 Questions--April 12

What is your view on disrespecting parents?

Now I know y'all are expecting me to say the Bible says "Honor your father and mother." Of course that is the right thing to do. However, I do think there is limitations on that. Not every parents is a respectable. There are parents who would practically want their children to sell their souls for them. I used to work for child protective services so my view may be a little different. There's really some people out there who ask their children to do some of the most outlandish things. I've heard them for myself.

On the other hand, in regular households, I don't think you should disrespect parents. I love my parents. I do. I know my parents would move the Earth for me. But I also know we don't communicate the best. Sometimes my mom can say things and her delivery is a little wrong, and it sets me off. I have a short fuse especially when it comes to disrespect. That doesn't make it right. I have to fix it within myself.
