365 Questions--April 10

What have your experiences with love been like?

Love has been a big part of my life. I remember significant things in my life based on who I was dating at the time. Like, I remember my granddaddy dying because I was in Louisiana with my boyfriend at the time when he died. I remember losing trust in my family because of a boyfriend. I remember my 25th birthday because my grandfather was buried the day before and my boyfriend went to jail the day before my birthday.

I learned a lot about love very early. From the time I was maybe 15, I dated with the intent to marry. The guys that I've dated had the potential to be amazing men. However, not everybody realizes their potential. Some people just go through the motions. For example, my first love had all the potential in the world. He could've ran businesses or been some kind of athletic coach or something, but he sells weed and cuts hair on his mom's porch. You know, I'm not taking anything from him. If he's content, that's great. It's just not for me. I don't want to single him out. I have a habit of falling in love with someone's potential or a portion of who they are.

Im not going to discuss each of the relationships I've been in. I'm sure they'll show up some time in a posts. The most important thing that I learned is that it's okay to put myself first. I have a habit of just dealing with the cards that are dealt to my significant other. For example, I have an ex that is a 2 time felon. He tried to make me feel like I have to take care of him because he made the decision that got him locked up. No sir. I got too much to lose to be getting caught up in your nonsense. I have to love me first.
