Let's Talk Saturday's--It Was Just a Game

Y'all already know how this is gonna start. I was scrolling down social media and I see Rihanna's post about snapchat. If you hadn't see it, it said:
“Now SNAPCHAT I know you already know you ain’t my fav app out there! But I’m just trying to figure out what the point was with this mess! I’d love to call it ignorance, but I know you ain’t that dumb! You spent money to animate something that would intentionally bring shame to DV victims and made a joke of it!!!! This isn’t about my personal feelings, cause I don’t have much of them...but all the women, children, and men that have been victims of DV in the past and especially the ones who haven’t made it out yet....you let us down! Shame on you. Throw the whole app-oligy away.”

I couldn't believe it. I just knew Snap Chat had more sense than that. So I go over and what do I see? This

First of all, domestic violence is nothing to make light of. As a domestic violence survivor, I would be absolutely and  and completely livid if somebody would make  a joke out of my situation. That's just not cool. You wouldn't want nobody to make light of something so serious in your life. That is completely insensitive. That's like making light of someone having a miscarriage or losing somebody. You just don't do it.

Secondly, why would this be a a thing in 2018? This happened in what 2008 or 2009? Ten years later and this happens for what reason? In the media world, things happen and a few days later it's something else is in the light. It's rare that years later it gets brought back up. Chris Brown and Rihanna have come a long way in their careers since then.

And yes, I do feel bad for Chris Brown. He's a superstar. A split second decision destroyed his career for quite some time. There was a lot he had to overcome for that 1 decision. No I don't condone domestic violence in any way, shape, or form. However, I'm going to put this into reality. We all make mistakes, right? What if you did one thing, and people kept bringing it up and kept bringing it up? You wouldn't like it would you? So, I have an aunt that used every kind of drug out there except meth, I think. She's been clean for most of my life, but there are always those people who bring up her addiction days. The thing about it is, everybody doesn't know about that part of her life, but she constantly hears about it from certain people. Chris Brown lives in the public eye. You know how much he was hearing "woman beater" for that one incident? Nobody should be punished like that. 

Timeframe really doesn't matter because, like I said, domestic violence is nothing to joke about. Regardless of when it happened, you cannot joke about it and expect somebody to just get over it. That can be a sore spot for anybody. We've all been around long enough to have some kind of painful memory. It might not have been domestic violence, specifically. I can talk about things, like when my granddaddy was on his death bed and I get teary eyed. 

The thing I'm wondering now is what kind of headspace Rihanna is in. You know sometimes when people bring up certain things it provoke certain emotions. They're triggers. Yesterday's blog mentioned how I was feeling betrayed by someone close to me for bringing one of my triggers around me. Because that person who is close to me was involved in the situation in the trigger, I forgot that I forgave her and got to a point where I was mentally when it first happened. 

I know I'm not the only this has happened to. I'm not sure what Snapchat's motivation was, but they most definitely deserved every bit of loss they experienced because of that game. 

